
Dit is de volledige lijst van publicaties en podcasts

  1. Since January 2018, 6 articles in the Vrijhandelsoptiek and more than 60 articles at Energeia, only in Dutch.
  2. Podcast Studio Energie - over netcongestie: geschiedenis, huidige problemen en oplossingen, Podcast met Remco de Boer (in Dutch), 30 januari 2024. Available at Soundcloud.
  3. Podcast NordSearch on EU Electricity Market Design Reform, Podcast with Patrick Reynolds, 29 January 2024. Available at YouTube
  4. Since March 2017, 36 articles on power market design on my LinkedIn account.
  5. Completion of the EU Internal Electricity Market: A Moving Target?, P. Kistner, P. Giesbertz, ICER Chronicle, Edition 10, Summer 2021. Read the article.
  6. The Legal and Economic Challenges for Single Interconnector Companies in the European Electricity Market – The Baltic Cable Case, P. Giesbertz, P. Kistner, M. Steger, August 2019. Available at SSRN.
  7. Electricity Network Codes: A success story?, M. Supponen, M. Copley, P. Giesbertz, R. Hirvonen, CIGRE, August 2018
  8. Energy Transition and the Need for Capacity Markets, P. Giesbertz, M. Mulder, IAEE Conference, Bergen, June 2016
  9. Market Access for Renewables in the German Power Market and Market Design Challenges, A. Bader, P. Giesbertz, A. Küppers, CIGRE, August 2016
  10. Generator Market Power Mitigation Measures in Electricity Markets, Cigré Working Group C5.12, Technical Brochure no. 580, 2014
  11. Interface between System Operators And Regulators, Cigré Joint Working Group C2/C5.05, Technical Brochure no. 474, August 2011
  12. Congestion management in the deregulated electricity market: an assessment of locational pricing, redispatch and regulation, R. Hermans, P. Van den Bosch, A. Jokic, P. Giesbertz, P. Boonekamp, A. Virag, EEM11 Conference, May 2011
  13. The Role of Merchant and Regulated Interconnectors in the European Power Market, P. Giesbertz, S. Bruijns, D. Klaar, J. van Putten , H. Egeland, CIGRE Symposium, October 2009
  14. Integration of the Central West European electricity market - A discussion in the light of the Third European Legislative Package, P. Giesbertz and H. de Jong, PSCC Conference, July 2008
  15. Economics of interconnection: the case of the Northwest European electricity market., P. Giesbertz and M. Mulder, IEAA Newsletter, 2008. Available at IEAA.
  16. Assessing Regulatory Measures in Electricity Markets: The case of VPP in the Netherlands, P. Giesbertz, F. Boisseleau, 29th IAEE International Conference, 7-10 June 2006
  17. A regulatory view on market integration and cross border congestion management, P. Giesbertz, H. de Jong, C. van der Lippe, CIGRE Symposium San Antonio, October 2005
  18. Classification of Electricity Markets Worldwide, P. Giesbertz, a.o.., CIGRE Symposium San Antonio, October 2005
  19. Reliability of Supply in Liberalised Power Markets, P. Giesbertz, E. Davidson, E. Petrjaev, Russia Power Conference, Moscow, March 2004
  20. SIEPAC: a Regional Electricity Market for Central America, P. Giesbertz, D. Bowman, José F. Prada, K. Petrov, Balkan Power Conference, Romania, 2003
  21. Cross border congestion management –International examples and comparison, P. Giesbertz, a.o.., CIGRE Symposium Shanghai China, April 2003
  22. The role and impact of interconnectors in the Dutch power market, P. Giesbertz, C. Hewicker, A. Paalman., CIGRE Symposium Shanghai China, April 2003
  23. To pool or not to pool, P. Giesbertz, K. Petrov, Power Engineering International, March 2003
  24. Role of Grid Codes in Liberalized Power Markets, P. Giesbertz, E. Davidson, D. Wales, CEPSI Conference, Japan, November 2002
  25. Quality of Network Services, P. Giesbertz, K. Petrov, J. Büchner, VDE Conference, Dresden, October 2002
  26. Worldwide Trends in Design and Implementation of Liberalized Power Markets, P. Giesbertz, ITF Conference 2002, Turkey, September 2002
  27. Changes in the Business and Interfaces of System Operators facing liberalisation and restructuring, P. Giesbertz a.o., CIGRE Paris, August 2002
  28. Quality of Supply in the Regulatory Control, P. Giesbertz, K. Petrov, Balkan Power Conference, Belgrade, June 2002
  29. Modelling Strategic Behaviour of Power Markets - the Dutch case, K. Petrov, C. Hewicker, P. Giesbertz, R. Otter, Power-Gen Europe, Milan, June 2002 (paper was awarded the Power-Gen Innovation Award – Track 1 Energy Market Structures)
  30. Methodologies for cross border congestion management, P. Giesbertz, T. Türkucar, International Selit Seminar, Turkey, September 2001
  31. Regulation and Benchmarking of Network Companies (in Dutch), P. Giesbertz, V. Ajodhia, and K. Petrov, Energietechniek, April 2001
  32. Power Exchanges Racing for German Spot Market, P.Giesbertz, J. Büchner, Commodities Now (June 2000), Wetlauf um den deutschen Spotmarkt (in German), Zeitung für Kommunale Wirtschaft, 10 June 2000
  33. Role and Interaction between System and Market Operator in the New Market Structure in The Netherlands, P. Giesbertz, D. Klaar, CIGRE, SC39 Colloquium, Brazil, November 1999
  34. Restructuring of the Belarus Power Sector, (in German: Umstrukturierung der Stromwirtschaft in Weißrussland), K. Petrov, P. Giesbertz, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (1999, Heft 11)
  35. Going Dutch, Description of Emerging Dutch Power Market, P. Giesbertz , K. Walet, Futures & OTC World (July 1999)
  36. Training for the APX (in Dutch), P. Giesbertz, H. Dijk, A. Jongepier, Energietechniek (June 1999)
  37. Liberalization and Trade (in Dutch), in “Stroomversnelling, de volgende elektrische innovatiegolf,” p. 158-162, Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek, STT61 (1999)
  38. System Operation Versus Institutional Changes, P. Giesbertz, J. Büchner, J.P. Waha, CIGRE Conference 1996, Panel Session ‘Challenges for Power System Planners and Operators in an Changing Institutional Environment’, CIGRE SC39 Contribution, Paris
  39. System Operation in The Netherlands: Daily Practice and Infrastructure, P. Giesbertz, UNIPEDE-conference, Budapest (November 1996)
  40. Technological versus Organisational Developments in Power System Operation and Control, Giesbertz P., Dijk H.E., Koreman C.G.A., CIGRE Symposium, Helsinki (1995)
  41. Joint meeting CIGRE te Arnhem (in Dutch), P. Giesbertz a.o, Energietechniek (June 1993)
  42. Day-to-Day Management of an Interconnected Power System, Giesbertz P., Maas G.A., UNIPEDE-conference, Tunis (May 1993)
  43. Large System Transient Stability Study, Giesbertz P., Klaar D.A.M., Schuld J.H., CIGRE Collo¬quium, Brazil (September 1993)
  44. On the Identification of Redundant Constraints in Optimisation Problems, Giesbertz P., Amerongen R.A.M. van, Archiv für Elektrotechnik 72 (1989)

Photo by Ruud Otter on Flickr